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May 15, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at the Multi-purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Ct.  Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Present:  Chet Hopper, Robert Rau, Robert Morey, Kim Danziger, Theodore Kreinik
Also Present:  Bill Hoadley (Associate of Peder Scott for Newtown Sports Complex), 1 member of Press, 5 members of Public
Absent:    Tom Long, Joseph Hemingway

Acceptance of Minutes:   Upon motion of Mr. Hopper, the minutes of the regular meeting held April 19, 2007 were unanimously accepted as presented, with no discussion.

Communications:  None

Public Participation:   Mr. Ralph Freer of Apex Ad Group LLC presented a business advertisement board to promote primarily local businesses only.  Mr. Freer had a sample display board with 33 spaces available for business cards.  Mr. Freer explained,   advertising businesses would pay a small annual fee to have their cards available to the public for one year. The businesses would be checked out with the Better Business Bureau for positive feedback.  Mr. Freer was seeking a recommendation from the EDC to place the advertisement board in the Town Hall.  He explained the importance the Town Hall would play in exposure for the smaller businesses, a good central location with many residents passing by and, or participating.  Mr. Hopper responded that the decision to place the advertisement board in the Town Hall would have to be made primarily by the Board of Managers, as the EDC can only be responsible for making the recommendation.    

Mr. Peder Scott presenting for the proposed Sports Complex on 90 Mt. Pleasant Road a 37 Acre parcel.  Mr. Scott used two maps to present with, a zoning map indicating the parcel as an M2A lot as well as a sketched colorized plan of what the proposed complex is to look like upon completion. Mr. Scott reviewed what the Complex will encompass, including two multi-purpose all weather outdoor fields, two surface courts, an emergency surgery facility, a physical therapy/medically therapeutic facility, an indoor sports field (i.e. soccer, lacrosse)&running track.  His presentation also included the mention of three additional buildings to occupy the lot, housing office/ professional space for possible tenants.  Mr. Scott  discussed the issue of connecting the lot to the Hawleyville sewer line and creating an extention. Also reviewed was the on going traffic study of the area.  The peak traffic time resulting from the complex would be approximately 2:30 pm through 11:00 pm as game times and field uses would be staggered in anticipation on handling the traffic flow accordingly.  Thus Mr. Scott mentioned the possibility of proposing various traffic light enhancements depending on the findings of the traffic study.  Regarding the assessed value the Complex would add to the town’s Grand List, similar facilities were evaluated such as Shelton Sports Center, Farmington Sports Center, Brewster Sports Center as well as New Milford.  The analysis of these comparable facilities indicated an approximate assessed value of $642,000 while, the approximate bid for personal property values include indoor fields at $800,000 and outdoor fields at $1.1 million.  Mr. Hopper questioned which building would be
constructed first.  Mr. Scott replied that it is really dependant on the approval from the town to move forward.  He and his associates are hoping for early spring 2008.
Mr. Kreinik asked, if the additional buildings on the site were not approved what would be in their place if anything.  Mr. Scott replied that more field space would be proposed and added that they are in fact anticipating one building to not be approved thus adding another playing field.
Mr. Danziger questioned Mr. Scott as to what exactly was being sought from the EDC.
He replied, a favorable recommendation to continue moving forward with plans to Planning & Zoning as well as the WPA.
Mr. Kreinik asked what the biggest objection to the project has been.  Mr. Scott answered that the biggest objection has been from adjacent property owners “view shed”,
In that the complex would be in plain sight from their (now secluded and wooded) residential property.   
Mr. Hopper stated that other proposals for this site are being postponed due to the anticipated heavy traffic generated from such development.  Ms. Mary Wilson of 12 Whippoorwill Hill Road, Newtown questioned the expected annual membership to the Complex.  Mr. Scott responded that the membership fee would be comparable to other health & fitness/sports centers in the area, approximately $400 a season per participant.
Ms. Wilson questioned additionally, what the expected draw from neighboring towns would be or projected use is primarily that of Newtown residents.   Mr. Scott replied that there is no real way to project who will participate as it is intended for Newtown and the surrounding areas.  Mr.Patrick Napolitano of 13 Whippoorwill Hill Road, Newtown questioned what exactly the use for the fields will be (regarding participants’ ages and levels).  Mr. Scott responded that the fields are a multi-use, multi-level intended for different ages and levels.  Mr. Napolitano felt these statements were contrary to those of the Planning & Zoning Meeting and those expressed during the previous EDC meeting.
Mr. Napolitano then questioned (regarding the anticipated increase in traffic) how would the emergency personnel in Newtown be expected to respond, conveying that their services would be hard pressed to respond accordingly.  Mr. Scott  responded that the sports facility is going to have an on site medical portion, so in the event of an emergency there would be an immediate response without the need for town volunteers (at least initially).  Mr. Scott expressed the fact that his associates are diligently studying the traffic in the area, he also assured that working with the State Traffic Commission, are very thorough and strict when it comes to requirements.
Mr. Doug Ballard of 9 Whippoorwill Hill Road, Newtown questioned what the employment opportunities will be for town residents.
Mr. Scott replied that there will be many employment opportunities that will not necessarily be specialized positions.  These positions include, facility manger, coaches, assistant coaches, summer jobs, maintenance positions, restaurant staff, administrative/office.  The only anticipated specialized position is that of medical / orthopedic surgeon and sports therapy professionals.
Mr. Thomas Melody of 3 Tory Lane questioned how many access roads will be used, as the plans indicate one road as an entrance and exit.  As similar facilities have multiple entrances and exits.  To which Mr. Hopper replied, that question should really be directed to the Police Commission and Planning & Zoning as to what would be required for such a facility.

Reports:  None

Old Business:
Sub Committee Tech Park Zoning
Mr. Hopper stated that there is a work plan in order.  The presentation is open to input and a meeting with the contractors who will be doing the work should be scheduled.  All present members were in favor of scheduling the meeting in four weeks.  

Sub Committee Tech Park Marketing Plan
Mr. Hopper stated that there is another meeting planned.
Mr. Danziger reported on the Conservation Commission meeting he attended April 24, 2007.  He stated that the Commission had many objections.  Given the parcel of issue, only so many options were available.  Mr. Hopper stated that it is important to remember the bio-remediation issues and that open space does still require maintenance.
Mr. Kreinik moved that a written proposal be developed of what has been offered to the Commission:

Motion was made and read as follows:

Confirm by vote of the Economic Development Commission to offer six hours of consulting services by SB Services to the Conservation Commission for the purposes of reviewing a response to the Tech Park proposal.

A copy would be given to Mr. Herb Rosenthal, Mr. Joseph Hovious, Ms. Liz Stocker as well as Planning & Zoning (each member of the steering committee).

Motion was seconded by Mr. Danziger.
All present members were in favor.

EDC Website
Website is currently in development stages.

Film Festival, September
Mr. Hopper stated the Board of Mangers is to be involved in deciding if the town will be included in the Film Festival with surrounding towns such as Bethel and Danbury.
Mr. Danziger agreed and stated that the Festival would be good exposure and experiance for the town.

Discussion regarding the Newtown Sports Complex proposal:
Mr. Danziger comments on the proposed Sports Complex, from the Economic Development viewpoint, proposal meets criteria, provides services and employment, meets the needs as expressed by town residents, meets Planning & Zoning requirements thus far all with minimal adverse impact on community.  The sought recommendation for extending sewer line to northern parcel is key to further future development of area.  Mr. Hopper agreed that the proposal is within guidelines and possible outcomes only appear to be positive at this point.  
All present EDC members were in agreement that a general written recommendation to the WPA would be in order.
Mr. Danziger moved that the written recommendation would read as follows:

The EDC endorses the proposal as presented by the Newtown Sports Complex and recommends that the WPA investigate the feasibility of extending the existing sewer connection to the Sports Complex project  for the purpose of promoting business development along the sewer line in such a manner that the cost of this extension can be covered by the added assessment and connection charges by those properties served by such an extension.

Motion was seconded by EDC member Mr. Robert Morey.  
All in favor.

Discussion regarding Apex Ad Group proposal:
Mr. Hopper stated that while the concept regarding the advertisement board for local businesses is good, the decision to have it displayed in the Town Hall is that of the Board of Mangers.  
Mr. Robert Rau moved to endorse the concept as presented by Mr. Ralph Freer, the decision is that of the Board of Managers.

Motion was seconded by EDC member Mr. Hopper.
All in favor.

New Business:
Consider the Conservation Commission using Spath-Bjorkland Associates:
Mr. Hopper questioned members if the issue regarding the Tech Park and SB Services is a conflict of interest.

Salute to Business – 2007
Mr. Hopper stated that the EDC has a decision to make at the August meeting.
Mr. Danziger & Mr. Kreiniak discussed the outcome of the Solar Farm.

Mr. Hopper moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded and all were in favor.  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm Tuesday May 15, 2007.         
                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem